Thank you very much, Chair.
My name is Kevin Sampson. I go by “Sammy”. I'm a veteran of Iran, Rwanda, Haiti, Bosnia, central Africa, Afghanistan and the liberation of Kuwait. I'm also the president of the Rwanda Veterans Association, and I am the primary researcher behind the wartime service claim for the Gulf War veterans.
Today, I'll be able to answer any policy-based questions that you have concerning wartime service, as well as any cultural questions you have about wartime service—for example, why don't we see it and what does it mean and so forth.
I've been asked to come here today and speak to you on two very specific issues. One issue is insurance. The other issue is why this policy is hidden and relatively unknown to Canadians, to members of Parliament and also to veterans? I think that's going to be an interesting discussion to explain.
I'm going to begin the discussion, however, by talking about insurance and talking about the difference in insurance between wartime service and special duty service.
To be clear, members of Parliament place Canadian Armed Forces personnel on active service using national defence legislation. You decide to send us to a dangerous country with a weapon, and you ask us to live in a war zone. In doing so, you place us on active service so that officers of Canada, military officers, can order us to do things that are very hazardous and generally against, you's not a good idea.
How do we get people to do those things? The answer is not volunteerism. The answer is active service legislation, which holds Canadian soldiers accountable for failing to comply with legal orders to take on dangerous tasks. Members of Parliament do that for us. You place us on active service.
It is the Department of National Defence, on its own accord, that in turn takes that active service and delineates it into two different types of services. There is wartime service, which no Canadian Forces personnel has obtained since 1953 and not without a multi-decade battle with Parliament. Second World War veterans had to fight. Korean War veterans had to fight. Merchant marine veterans had to fight. Everybody has had to fight for it, for 30 years.
That's the gift that the Department of National Defence gives to veterans when you place us on active service and send us into harm's way. They immediately subjugate all service down to the “special duty service” category. Everybody wants to know why.
This is unlike the Government of Australia, which allows their soldiers to achieve wartime status for fighting in the more dangerous...or being in conflicts where there are more risks of injury. They allow their soldiers to get to that level, and the insurance is at a higher level because they are taking on higher risk.
Our system does not ever allow anybody to achieve wartime service status: Persian Gulf, special duty; Afghanistan, special duty service. If we are going to look at fixing the problem of insurance, you first have to recognize that DND is taking and manipulating it nefariously once you have done your job by placing us on active service.
They are nefariously and maliciously changing the definition of our service from active service to special duty service, and this is why. In the early 2000s, the Government of Canada committed the military to the toughest provinces in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Prior to making that commitment to our partners, it is certain that the Department of National Defence and Veterans Affairs Canada projected a forecast of what the injuries would cost Canadians over the next 50 years. This is data that is available to members of Parliament and to the Department of National Defence, but it's not available to us. If we look at a general 10% to 15% injury rate, it could cost billions of dollars over 50 years to pay for the injuries and the deaths that are associated with high-risk conflicts like Afghanistan.
It is obvious that the government was quite aware of what the mission would cost. It was at that point they did the unthinkable: The government slashed our insurance for special duty service to 20%. If we had a labour relationship team managing our labour, they would be in here screaming that you have not reduced the legal capacity to order us to do things that may result in our death, but you have in fact reduced our insurance for injuries to 20%. That's 20% compared to wartime service and 20% compared to our RCMP, who use the same benefit system.
You're essentially telling Canadians that a German bullet will pay 100% insurance and a Korean bullet will pay 100% insurance, but if you're unfortunate enough to be shot by the Taliban, you're getting only 20¢ on the dollar for that injury. Nothing tells Canadian soldiers that you do not value our active service more than reducing our insurance in such a drastic way. The next political party came into power and it was upped to 40%. That's currently where we sit—at 40%.
To close out my remarks, there is another country in the world that uses this language. Vladimir Putin makes a big deal out of calling his mission a “special military operation”. We've made a lot of jokes about that, but I remind you, as members of Parliament, that it's only funny until you realize that he stole that idea from us.
Canada has not been at war since 1945, with the Germans, and we've decidedly cut the insurance for people. That's exactly why Vladimir Putin does that in Russia—to avoid accountability for war and to reduce the insurance he has to pay his soldiers. Thank you.