It boils down to this for me, and this is circling back to my initial comments about my role here, which is really to try to push for the veterans' expectations of the government: You guys formed your group in 2017, I think, and you've been advocating since then. You're telling us that you're not aware of any policy that exists. It raises the question of, “Why not?” Why is there not a policy, when there is the ability to do that, when there is the ability to act on this? It could happen right now.
In that role as critic or judge of the government, I have to say that not only would I give the government a poor review, but I would have to admonish it for the fact that they have claimed to express support. I've heard Liberal members—as I've heard all members—say they support what you guys are trying to do. They could take action on it right now, and they haven't. I find that frustrating. Hopefully, we can get a recommendation out of this committee, and hopefully the government will actually start listening for a change.