I will speak for myself. I do believe that.... We're split medical insurance, both Harold and I, and that would also apply to our membership.
I had medical issues. Because of the timing, when I submitted my claims, they went in under the Pension Act, because they preceded the establishment of the 2006 Veterans Well-being Act.
Because the Persian Gulf was a 1991 event, the preponderance of our medical claims, if there were any, would have occurred under the Pension Act. As we get older, if we have new issues and are able to tie them to military service, Minister Petipas Taylor's reference manual says that because we are special duty area veterans, medical issues will be covered under the Veterans Well-being Act.
If we were wartime service veterans, the case could be made that wartime service currently is covered only under the Pension Act. The members could be given a choice on each claim: Would you like this covered under the Pension Act or would you like it covered under the Veterans Well-being Act?