Thank you. That's really helpful to have on the record.
I'm going to ask National Defence again and let you guys decide who's the wisest person to answer, because you know your expertise far better than I do.
What we're hearing very clearly is that there is a concern that the way the terminology is used does not necessarily fit the task that is given.
Is the term “war service” being phased out? We have the special duty service. Is there any sort of movement or exploration about doing something around terminology like “active service”?
What we've heard very clearly from the veterans who have served and who are the experts that what they were tasked to do was incredibly dangerous and incredibly impactful on their lives, and they're not feeling that recognition after that service. One of the veterans even said that they did different types of service and that this was very much active service and was not special duty service.
I'm wondering, in terms of the terminology, if there is there any exploration about broadening that. Are we going to be using the term “war service” any longer, or is that something we're changing?