That's very helpful. Thank you. I'm sorry to interrupt you. I will follow up on that, because we want to make sure that all who served are recognized and have that support extended to their families.
I have another question. I had the opportunity to meet, on November 28, 2023, with the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association, and it represents National Indigenous Collaborative Housing Inc. These two very impressive young women came to my office: Alma Arguello, who's with Brantford Native Housing; and Sarah McBain, who was with northern housing. They talked to me about the challenges that they face. Of course, this is urban housing for indigenous people, not on reserve.
The promise was made in 2019, I believe, for $4 billion from the federal government to them. At that time, in 2023, they were still waiting. They were very concerned because the housing stock was deteriorating, and they indicated that the government seemed to try to conflate first nations funding and urban housing issues. It's almost like that same expectation: “Well, you already have money. It's over here, towards housing”, but that has to be spent on first nation reserves, so it was very confusing to them.
They talked about the barriers that CMHC placed on first nation communities, and they kept asking about this money. They had 60 signatories of indigenous housing organizations within NICHI. They felt that Minister Fraser was continually stalling, and they were disappointed with his remarks that day. At that point, they just felt there was so much bureaucratic oversight.
They eventually got some funds from CMHC, and they suggested they start in Ontario. However, we know the housing circumstances in Ontario. They were given between $150,000 and $200,000. They said to me, “We couldn't even deal with the permits, let alone the cost of the housing”, which was going to be $445, now up to $550, per square foot. The money was not there. I don't believe it's there yet.
What do we do when we don't get the funding that is needed for urban indigenous folks? Of course, we heard from you, Mr. Ross, about the importance of that housing and that foundation.
I have zero seconds left.