Oh, yes, and they haven't heard the end of me.
Throughout the whole meeting it kept coming up: “We need a day. How about June 21?” They were like, “No, because we'll just be another line on the the program,” and so, stupid me, I said, “What about November 8? If you take the 8 and turn it on its side, it's the infinity symbol for the Métis people.” A lot of traditional people know that there are seven.... Well, you know the number seven is quite important to first nations people. The reason is that there are four levels above and four levels below that meet on the surface as a 7. They said, “That's a great idea. We'll be able to get our uniforms out, polish our shoes and learn how to march, figure out what's left and right, and do that.” They gave me a mandate to go out and do it. That's what they said: “Go and get us the day.”
As you can tell, I'm very shy—