The language and cultural barriers sometimes affect a lot of our people who live in our communities. We live in about 18 communities on the northwest side. A lot of the time, people don't know the cultural side of people and how they are. They have a different way of presenting themselves in the cultural component and the language. You know, the code talkers were the ones who saved the war in World War II, I think, when Germany was fighting in World War II.
It didn't come back. That language didn't come back for us to find our identity. Instead, modern society kept going. It didn't give us that way of understanding our own language. Some of us continued on, and we have that barrier.
The main thing is to have workshops, services and programs within our culture and within our language and make people understand that's where the barrier is a lot of the time. Distribute programs, because we don't have anything in the cultural component. It's always on a modern component. We need to make sure that it's delivered so it's cultural and modern so that we both understand each other and come to the table at the same level.