Thank you.
Ms Blaney, you might consider the possibility of making a request.
On that note, we will be ending this meeting.
On behalf of the committee members, I'd like to thank the witnesses in this second group, both from statistics Canada. They are Josée Bégin, Director General, Labour Market, Education and Socio-Economic Well-Being, and Andrew Heisz, Director, Centre for Income and Socioeconomic Well-being Statistics.
Your presence was very important for us because we want to add more details to our report and to the report's recommendations.
I see that it's getting late.
I'd simply like to inform the members of the committee that on May 20, we will be continuing our study of pension benefits for surviving spouses. At that meeting we will have representatives from Veterans Affairs Canada, the Treasury Board, the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR).
I'd also like to thank our entire team here today: the clerk, the interpreters and the whole technical team.
Will the members of the committee agree two adjourning this meeting?
As there are no objections, the meeting is adjourned.