Thank you so much, Minister.
I want to talk about Roy Puthiampadavil. He is a veteran. Today is actually the 10th anniversary of his fight with VAC about his OSI report.
Mr. Chair, through you, I want to let the minister know that the OSI report was incorrect and that VAC agreed it was incorrect, but were not willing to take the next step and say to the doctor that it is incorrect and needs to be fixed or deleted from his file so that he can move forward.
This person who served our country has suffered traumatically over the last 10 years because he didn't feel recognized by the people who were supposed to protect him after he fought so hard for our country. We also know that for a year he lost his income because VAC was trying to push him into a vocational rehab program that he simply was not ready for. He had to go through a whole year without that income.
The other thing I'm hearing from veterans like Roy is that they feel it's an insurance agency instead of a support service for them. His file clearly illustrates there are systemic issues that need to be addressed when veterans are accessing support.
Through you, Mr. Chair, Minister, will you commit to meeting with me and Roy to discuss this? This is a perfect example of the trauma that some of our veterans are feeling with the service systems in place right now.