To be clear, our first order of business when this transpired was to focus on the veteran with whom this transpired and to make sure that veteran is addressed. That took place immediately and regularly upon learning of this.
In terms of the training, we put out a notice to all our staff to make it very clear that our employees are not to engage on medical assistance in dying. We can provide support for questions that are brought forward for anyone who might have questions with respect to benefits and anything that might affect the benefits for them or their family members. We provided that clarification. We undertook training sessions with the entirety of our frontline staff, any staff member who is engaging with veterans.
That training has occurred now with 75% of those frontline staff. We will get to 100%. That training also will be underlined and made mandatory for every member of staff and every new member of staff to underline the fact that we are a department, we are employees who are not to engage with veterans on medical assistance in dying. We are only to be there to respond to any questions they might have with respect to the benefits and the effect on that.