If I could, Mr. Chair, I would just indicate that the thoroughness of this investigation was in relation to the seriousness of the incident that occurred.
First we reviewed all of the files that were handled by this veterans service agent to see if there was any reference at all to anything similar or like this in their dealings or interactions with veterans. Second, we reviewed all the files through the department and the interactions with veterans to ascertain whether any situation like this may have occurred that was not brought to our attention.
In both those cases, we identified that there were no other cases. There was one other incident with this veterans service agent responding to an issue as it was brought forward on MAID by a veteran, but in no other instance have we found that the issue was raised proactively by a Veterans Affairs Canada employee with a veteran.
We also ensured that the veteran's file was reviewed to ensure that we were providing all the supports that were necessary to that veteran in their history in dealing with Veterans Affairs Canada.
All of that was undertaken with as much thoroughness as we possibly could to ensure that this was an issue that was identified and, as we confirmed, was isolated in the department. That does not negate or diminish the seriousness of the issue.
I think the undertaking of the investigation and the response to it is in relation to the seriousness of the particular incident.