It's human nature. People can be vindictive. Here I am, contradicting....
I listened to the live testimony on Thursday, and there were three points that I believe to be untrue. One, I do not believe that the call was not recorded. I do not believe that, and neither does the veteran. That's part of the transcripts. I believe that is untrue.
It was also avoided that MAID was pushed, as opposed to, “Oh, by the way, this is something that may be offered.” It was pushed, because he said the words in the transcript. He asked, “Why did you ask this of me? Why are you talking about this?” She was saying, “Well, you know, just in case, up the road....” She was pushing it like a bad used car salesman. It was pushed and he asked about the legality of it. “How is this legal?” he asked the VAC manager. How is this legal? This can't be legal. You can't push this on people.
That is not reflective of the testimony that I heard on Thursday, and that makes me angry, because integrity is doing the right thing, regardless of the consequences. I know that I'm threatening two people's jobs today by saying this. I'm aware of that, and that is why I fear for my benefits. Two people, I believe, were not speaking the truth on Thursday and they could lose their jobs over it. That's why I'm nervous.