If I can, on that same point, it sounds as though there is some feeling among some committee members to go with 45 days. I thought 30 was reasonable, but 45 is not going to change the world, and I don't see a major issue with that. However, as I think I'm hearing from others, I have some concern about removing the last couple of items that Mr. Desilets is suggesting removing.
I want to make it really clear at this point that it seems as though there might be some misunderstanding that a request is being made here for the actual client files or notes, and that's not what's being asked for. It's internal exchanges about the idea of deleting. One would hope that there are none of those and that there haven't been any of those. If there have, I think it's important that this committee know about it. That's all we're seeking here.
To clarify what Ms. Blaney was asking, it would be my understanding that the simple way to handle that, if there are people who want to see a 45-day window but not delete the last couple of items, which I feel and it sounds as though many others on the committee here feel are important to keep in, would be to simply defeat this amendment. Then someone would move an amendment to increase the deadline to 45 days subsequent to that. Would that not be the way it would be handled?