Thank you, Mr. Chair. As I indicated with my notice at the last meeting, I will move the motion. I can read it into the record again just for clarity's sake. I'll then give some explanation as to the rationale behind the motion, and then I would be interested in hearing the comments of my colleagues.
The motion reads:
That, Pursuant to Standing Order 108(1)(a), the committee order:
That all briefing notes, memos, emails and text or other electronic messages from Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) officials prepared for or sent to the Minister of Veterans Affairs regarding medical assistance in dying (MAiD), including related to the internal investigation into the matter, be provided to the committee within 30 days of the adoption of this motion.
That all internal memos, emails and documents distributed by Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) to veterans service agents and caseworkers regarding the department’s policy on discussing medical assistance in dying (MAiD) between January 1, 2019, and December 7, 2022, be provided to the committee within 30 days of the adoption of this motion.
That any notes, memos, emails, and documents related to the deletion or destruction of phone calls, emails, messages and client notes related to the subject of medical assistance in dying (MAiD) (providing for the redaction of names and personal information of veterans and VAC clients) between July 1, 2022, and December 7, 2022, be provided to the committee within 30 days of the adoption of this motion.
That all Assystnet requests by Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) employees to delete client notes related to medical assistance in dying (MAiD) (providing for the redaction of names and personal information of veterans and VAC clients) between July 1, 2022, and December 7, 2022, be provided to the committee within 30 days of the adoption of this motion.
I move that motion.
Let me give a bit of explanation as to what we're talking about.
I'll go point by point. The first point is fairly self-explanatory. On the briefing notes, memos, emails and other messages Veterans Affairs Canada officials have prepared for or sent to the Minister of Veterans Affairs regarding this issue, this is obviously there to ensure this committee has the benefit of the information that has been provided. It seems as though in the meetings we've had on this issue, when the minister or officials have been here, we've received a lot of different stories. The story seems to change. Even within one meeting itself, the story changed numerous times.
It's important that this committee have the benefit of understanding exactly what information Veterans Affairs officials have provided to the minister and in relation to the investigation itself, because even within the meeting there seemed to be questions and there seemed to be a real inability by the minister and his officials to clarify exactly what the status of the investigation is. Hopefully the documents we're asking for here will shed some light on the status of that investigation, what is happening with that investigation, what has been learned and obviously the issue itself. I won't spend a lot of time there other than to say that.
The second part of the motion is again an attempt to determine whether there has been any kind of direction given. We hear from numerous veterans. The minister has admitted that there are four cases, and we have heard of at least four others. Unfortunately, in the case of these veterans, they lack trust toward Veterans Affairs. Therefore, in a couple of cases the veterans are not willing to come forward publicly, and in a couple of others they are willing to come forward but are uncomfortable doing so in a place they feel is not safe for them. It's really unfortunate that that's the case, but I can understand it.
When we start to get into this matter—and we are starting to hear about as many as eight cases that we're aware of—and we look at these cases, it's very difficult to imagine that what we're being told, which is that it's confined to one caseworker, is accurate and truthful. First of all, what we're hearing from Christine Gauthier is that she was given this suggestion by two different caseworkers, one male and one female. Right there, there's no way that could be one individual.
Then, when we start to look at where these individuals are located in the country, it's very unlikely that they're all working with the same office. That would again indicate that there's not a chance this could be just one individual. It really seems unlikely that that's the case.
However, the stories we've heard, and I've heard some of them through the media and some of them through what the minister has told us, all have a very similar pattern to them. The conversation has gone in a very similar way. It makes one wonder how that could have been. I think it's important to see what kind of information has been given to employees.
Further to that, it would be important to see what kind of information has been given to employees since this became public. Even asking for something as simple as information about what the standard operating procedures are at Veterans Affairs for the recording of calls yielded something that was far less than what we asked for. It was almost as though it were something that someone just typed up in a Word document to explain to the committee why they didn't want to give us what we were asking for.
It just seems odd. I think it's important that we have the information that is available that wasn't provided to the committee through our previous requests.
In relation to the last couple of points, talking about the deletion or destruction of phone calls and messages related to the incident request, we are talking about a much shorter period of time. The reason for this is that when this became public—I believe it was early August—there had been some rumblings about it prior to that, in my understanding. Therefore, I have chosen the date of July 1 just for that reason, to include that period of time when it was sort of being rumbled about publicly. One could easily imagine why someone might want to modify a file, had they made a similar suggestion to a veteran.
No one here is looking to have the personal information of veterans. I want to make that very clear right now. I have made that clear in the motion by indicating “providing for the redaction of names and personal information of veterans and VAC clients”. Nobody needs to have the personal information of a veteran who has had this offer made to them. I want to make that very clear. That is not what anyone is seeking here. This is simply to try to determine whether these kinds of requests have been made.
If that hasn't happened, and one hopes it hasn't—we all would hope that hasn't happened—then there really isn't going to be much here for Veterans Affairs to provide. Let's hope that's the case. Let's hope there's nothing they need to provide here and that nobody has tried to cover their tracks, so to speak. However, if someone has in fact done that, I think it's important that this committee know about it.
We're clearly not getting all the information here from the minister or his officials at the present time, and we've had them come before our committee about what is transpiring here.
I'm not suggesting that any of this has occurred, but simply that we should know if it has. It may be that there is nothing that needs to be provided here, but if there is something, well, it's important that this committee be aware of it. It feels to me that if we're going to get to the bottom of this and what has happened, this committee's going to have to be a part of making that happen.
That's what's being requested here, that information.
Perhaps I'll leave it at that right now and see what others have to say. I may want to speak some more to it based on what I hear. I will move the motion and leave it open for discussion.