Thank you.
What we found is that the seven different domains of well-being really are interrelated and interconnected. You can't impact one domain without having auxiliary and peripheral impacts on the other domains.
There was a question leading up to this meeting about the life-after-service studies that have been conducted since 2010. That set of surveys covered veterans who were released since 1998. Those are the veterans we had records for. That was the set of the population for whom we understood their well-being or were able to measure their well-being in those seven domains.
Going forward, starting in 2022, thanks to the census question that identified veterans in 2021, we've been able to expand that survey representation to cover the full veteran population. Once we have those results, which we're expecting by the fall of this year, we should be able to report on the well-being of veterans across the seven domains, including in their employment. That's for the whole veteran population across Canada, not just those recently released.