Yes, we are delighted with the partnership we have. It falls into two strands, firstly around mental health and supporting programs specifically looking at veterans' mental health and that of their families, but specifically for this discussion this evening, there is a second program, through the Ministry of Labour, Training, Immigration and Skills Development, that is looking at supporting veteran transition employment. It's categorized into three layers and is working with 10 major companies on developing best practices and case studies that we can then share, both in Ontario and across Canada.
Secondly, on small to medium-sized enterprises, many of which of course will not have the big HR departments that the larger firms have, it's about how we make hiring veterans easy for them by creating tool kits and other partnerships with terms-of-commerce examples to focus on that sector.
Thirdly, a new initiative is focusing on rebuilding the health sector. The United Kingdom has a very big program on hiring veterans into the National Health Service. We are looking at piloting in Ontario a program called “Step into Health”, which recruits transitioning members and veterans into health to help us rebuild postpandemic. We're hoping through that partnership to create some best practices, which we would be then delighted to work out across other provinces.