Thank you for your kind words, MP Michelle Ferreri.
As Michelle alluded to, yes, I am a PTSD survivor. The first thing I can say, on the advertising and offering of support from Veterans Affairs when I left the Canadian Forces, is that I did not tap into it for five years of my post-military career. That's due to a number of reasons, but one of the reasons is that I didn't know what Veterans Affairs had to offer for me. I think one important part is that you need to reach out to those who are retiring and those who are veterans and say you are a service being offered that can help pave the path for them to get some help.
I know that improvements have been made on that level of voice and advertising. I still hear from my friends who have had recent retirements from the military that they really don't know what they can ask or who to ask at Veterans Affairs, so they ask for guidance from me to take those steps.