Absolutely. In fact, we heard from our Legion OSI special section about that very thing. That memorial stands for all who have served and fallen in military service. It's not for one particular mission or war. Of late, with the war in Afghanistan, we've seen 40,000 Canadian Armed Forces members participate in that particular operation.
Our OSI section was contacted by people who were so adversely affected by what they had seen. It felt like personal disrespect that had been shown to those individuals. It's just very hard to vocalize the impact that you, as an individual who served your country, are seeing now, the disrespect that is shown by the people who you thought were supporting you when you went overseas.
I know the special section reached out to those individuals as much as they could. They offered sessions where they could get together to talk about it. Discussing and talking helps alleviate the pain, but the pain never goes away and this act worsens it.