After I left my abusive husband, I was all alone. I knew I could not be completely alone, so I went and got a three-month-old German shepherd puppy. I had a couple of veteran friends who said they were going to help me go here and there, but those things didn't come to fruition. I went to Wounded Warriors. They said they only give out dogs; they don't help train them.
I couldn't wait three to five years for a dog. I couldn't make it that long, sitting there by myself. She helps me go into stores. She helps me go out with my friends. She helps me have conversations with people. If someone says, “Can I pet your dog?” and I say no, they'll say, “I'm so sorry.” But I'm like, “Don't be. You are actually helping me say no.” That's something I have a hard time with too—saying no. I'm a people-pleaser.
She's still in training. I still have lots to do with her, but I've done it completely on my own so I could leave the house.