Hi. My name is Master Corporal Jacqueline Wojcichowsky, CD. I have 32 years of experience in the Canadian Armed Forces. I have worked in two different trades, as an armoured crewman and now in human resources.
I have held various positions with Lord Strathcona's Horse and also with Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, 1 Military Police Regiment, 3rd Canadian Division headquarters, 6 Intelligence Company as their release clerk now, and numerous other units.
I am here to speak about the disconnect between the military and Veterans Affairs with respect to the trauma of injury and illness in women currently serving and those who are veterans.
I believe there is a lack of female representation at all levels in the VAC organization, but specifically among individual representatives. This makes it especially difficult for female veterans to access the services and entitlements they require, because the male associates who are processing their files do not understand and therefore undervalue the trauma female soldiers have endured.
For example, when a rape victim is raped, they don't understand the trauma they go through.
Do they? Do you? Do I?
I do. I was there. I'm one of them.
The CAF lacks equipment that appropriately fits a woman. We struggle with clothing, rucksacks, helmets and boots that do not come in small enough sizes and are not designed to fit females. It doesn't just take a toll on our bodies. It becomes humiliating when we have to deal with wardrobe malfunctions in front of our male peers.
The constant stress of trying to fit in as a woman in a male's world can have long-lasting psychological effects. We shouldn't have to relive these stressors to gain access to benefits.
Do we? Do I? All the time?
We do.
On multiple occasions, I have witnessed the impact of PTSD as a result of sexual misconduct—like, for example, rape—being written off. I have watched my peers, my friends and my family suffer with insufficient support from VAC due to ignorant gatekeeping.
For example, my sister-in-law has been diagnosed with severe sexual misconduct PTSD and has short-term memory loss. She lives her life out of a daily black book. She served 16 years as a sigs operator and is receiving very little to no support from VAC.
Is that right?
In another example, my friend TC, who is located in B.C., is also suffering from a sexual misconduct PTSD assault. She also applied to VAC and is receiving support for her sexual assault, but the trauma from VAC.... Her mental health was not recognized for the veterans independence program and clothing allowance.
How does this happen? Can you tell me this?
A personal example of not being dealt with in a professional manner was when I was called by a VAC representative when I shouldn't have been. I informed him that I had not called, but I had given permission to an MLA to call on my behalf to discuss my outstanding claim on my lung disease. It was in the system since November 27, 2020, and it was at stage 3.
During this time, he indicated that I should release from my position in the military, though I am an active member and very capable of doing my job. He then hung up and called back. He apologized and retracted his words, but by this time, my PTSD had gone from 1 to 10. I told him I was recording my conversation, and then he repeatedly pushed me that we should call the deputy minister. My PTSD was overloaded, but then he continued to push.
During my service, I was raped, sexually harassed, verbally threatened and emotionally controlled. Due to my trauma, I have lost my self-control. It has had a negative impact on my ability to get promotions. Ongoing sexual harassment has affected my physical and mental health, which was not properly diagnosed until 2018 by OSI and Veterans Affairs.
In my case, the CAF did not do a proper, good job. It was Veterans Affairs that made the correction in this proper diagnosis, but most females are not that fortunate. In my case, what I did to move forward was I did the trial of 3MDR, the assisted memory desensitization reconsolidation, for my health. I require ongoing counselling that has helped me to find the right person. I have found support groups like Soldier On and Survivor Perspectives Consulting Group, and I have worked with sexual misconduct centres and other groups.
Although there are some resources available for women through VAC and various other groups, it's not enough for female veterans. We need female representatives hired in Veterans Affairs to actually make changes from the inside out. Veterans Affairs needs people like me in this position. We need people to have mentors for our new and serving members, as well as veterans. In my spare time I seek out veterans who need help with their paperwork for Veterans Affairs, because people are suffering without knowing their entitlements at all. We should be a resource, and I am a world of information. Women are actually seeking me to help them with the entitlements.
Alongside the requirements to improve the CAF and Veterans Affairs, we are failing our new and serving members and our veterans.
Without further change and the growth to support members, we are failing them even before they complete their service.
Now that I am no longer controlled by the shame, the rape, the sexual harassment, I feel empowered to uplift other women to share their own personal stories and stand up for themselves and be warriors. I am here. I am no longer ashamed. I'm here.
I thank you for this opportunity to speak today.