I'm not exactly sure what question it was. I know there was a question about kit and the fitting of kit. From 1978 to 2004, there simply wasn't kit for women, period—end of story. You either made do or you took the high road. There was no accommodation whatsoever for women—for the way we thought, acted and led. We were an afterthought.
Can you imagine being an afterthought? For me, it was four years. Gee, do you speak up? No. You're used to hiding in the corner, because that was your place. If you dared to venture out, you were quickly hammered back. That's the culture that I and, I'm sure, Lieutenant Commander Seviour, understand. We did it for self-preservation, if nothing else. When you talk about culture and kit issues, well, yes, I've been there and done that. I have far too many T-shirts.
That was one question about kit issues. I can't remember what the other question was, but my minute is probably up.