Yes, and I've been psychologically harassed by women, too. The last one was a woman, who was probably the men's puppet. My unit sergeant-major said that he'd never spoken to me, even though he knew full well that I'd said to his face, “Get me out of here, because I'm not feeling well. My mental health is suffering. I'm going to strangle her.” He said, “Well! I could give you a posting in Montreal.” Come on! It wasn't a posting in Montreal I wanted; I just wanted to get out of that place. Yet he claimed that he'd never spoken to me, until I made an official complaint.
Even though I made an official complaint and won my case, this person received no sanction. This is unacceptable. When I asked what sanction this person had received, I was flatly told, “It's none of your business.” I was the one who had been harassed, but I had no right to know what sanction the person who had aggressed me had received. What I found out later was that she'd been promoted to chief warrant officer.