Maybe I can offer Amy a break and answer that on her behalf.
There were certainly some changes with respect to the HR complement at Veterans Affairs over that period. As you noted, there was an expectation that we would have a reduction in clients as we were moving forward. As Amy noted a little earlier in the message here, we've seen a significant increase in the number of people coming forward. That's by virtue of additional new programs, a broader suite of programs that are available, and there are still challenges, but they help people transition more successfully. We've been able to reopen offices and make sure that there are offices in local communities, to be able to help veterans in their communities by making sure that those offices are open and staffed appropriately.
The staff that we have now, who have been added over the course of the last little while, have helped us significantly. Amy spoke about the challenge of hiring in the pandemic. Part of the optimism we have here in responding to some of the questions from earlier is that we actually have all these people onboard and trained. We needed to recruit them first, at the outset two years ago, and then train them during the pandemic. Now we have them onboard, trained and ready to go. They're already at the starting line of the additional two years that have been provided here, and are running. That gives a lot of optimism for the team and for our ability to continue to bring down the numbers in backlog situations.