Thank you very much.
Mr. Chair, I would like to know who actually is in charge of the veterans. I also hope that we will hear from some women veterans from the RCMP, seeing that it's quite complicated in terms of how RCMP veterans, but particularly women veterans, as I think we know, were excluded from the Veterans Well-being Act.
How do you compare the services that are available to RCMP veterans with those available to CAF veterans? I think we heard last week that how people are treated while they're serving affects how they are treated as veterans. If the questions on women's health were not asked while they were serving, then they end up having trouble dealing with that.
As well, in terms of work-related accidents, how do you deal with people when there is sexual trauma that clearly is work-related and not an accident? How are you dealing with women who have left your employ traumatized? How do you deal with that? How does that differ? How many veterans file claims with VAC for sexual trauma?