Thanks very much for the question.
The organization is really quite focused on ensuring that we put all of our policies and our procedures through a gender-based analysis plus review. We started that process with our kit and equipment. As Assistant Commissioner Ebert elaborated, things look very different from the way they looked previously, and that is in part because of the gender-based analysis review we did.
The transformation for women in the organization has fundamentally been about ensuring that we develop leaders from all genders and that we ensure that those voices and those lived experiences are brought to bear as part of our decision-making in all areas. When we talk about transformation in the RCMP and we talk about how it impacts women, it's taking into consideration the recommendations and reviews that have been done on our organization, really taking them to heart and implementing them.
In fact, just recently, the commissioner appointed a new senior ADM responsible for transformation in the organization, whose primary role will be to ensure we implement all of the recommendations that are coming out of the variety of reviews to which the organization has been a party.