Thank you for the question.
My suggestion, just thinking off the top of my head, because I haven't thought about this before, is that maybe when someone contacts them is to send an automatic.... Every time you phone them, you get the response, “Would you like to take part in a little survey?” Well, the survey isn't relevant to anything, to me or any of the problems I have. So maybe what they should be doing when you contact them is that they should be emailing you, or something, a survey that actually includes that kind of information and ask if you want to do it.
There are always going to be some members of the community who do not want to be exposed, who are still in a sense in hiding. I know people like that. I see it increasingly less, but there are still people out there who are not yet ready to be public about who they really are.
That would be my suggestion. Maybe they need to have a survey that says “Who are you?” as opposed to “Did we give good service?” Groceries stores do that: “Did we give good service?” I'm not sure that's really what we need.