I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 70 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted on Monday, October 3, 2022, the committee is resuming its study on the experience of women veterans.
As far as interpretation, you have a choice, at the bottom of your screen, between French, English, and floor audio.
Although this room is equipped with a high-performance audio system, feedback can still occur. This can be extremely harmful to interpreters and cause them serious injuries. The most common cause of feedback is an earpiece getting too close to a microphone. I would therefore invite all participants to handle their earpieces very carefully, to avoid handling them as much as possible and to make sure they speak clearly into their assigned microphones.
I would also remind you that all remarks should be directed to the Chair.
In accordance with our routine motion, since some witnesses and members are participating in the meeting virtually, I am informing you that all connection tests have been completed in advance of the meeting.
Before welcoming the witnesses, I'd like to issue a trigger warning. We'll be discussing issues related to mental health, which are liable to trigger some of our attendants, viewers, MPs or staff members qui have had similar experiences. If you feel any distress or require assistance, please let the clerk know.