Thank you so much, Chair.
I want to thank all the witnesses who served for their tremendous service.
My first questions will be for Ms. Hall.
I first of all want to say thank you so much for coming today. I really appreciate all that you've added to the discussion.
You talked earlier in your testimony about how many reports have come out telling us again and again about significant challenges. I think it was called the RCMP's “horribly broken” culture at one point. From what you've said and what we've heard, it sounds like not much has changed, unfortunately.
One thing that is very clear is we cannot expect healthy women veterans to emerge from RCMP culture when it is still so toxic and there are still big issues. The report said, “the RCMP is toxic and tolerates misogynistic and homophobic attitudes amongst its leaders and members.” We've seen so many failed attempts, and we know that this needs to change.
You've talked a bit about your recommendations. I think they're really important recommendations, but could you talk about what needs to happen immediately to make these changes happen? I know there has been some change, but what do you think is most important to make women feel more seen and to connect them? You talked about connecting them, and I've heard this from women veterans of the RCMP who had no idea they could get a hold of VAC. They had no idea that was even part of the process.
I'm also wondering, in the big complex question I just asked, whether you have any understanding, even from your time, of what the transition out is like. We know that when people transition out of the military, there are definite issues and there is a process, but I don't know that there's the same process for the RCMP.