I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 73 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted on Monday, October 3, 2022, the committee is resuming its study of the experience of women veterans.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format, with witnesses appearing via videoconference.
Regarding interpretation, those using Zoom have a choice, at the bottom of their screen, between the English, French and floor audio. As for those in the room, they should use their earpieces.
It's true that the hall is equipped with a fairly sophisticated sound system. However, we must be careful not to place the earpiece too close to the microphone, because this causes interference and can cause harm to our interpreters.
I'd like to advise you that the connection tests have been completed.
Before we welcome the witnesses, I'd like to give you a warning. We're going to discuss experiences related to mental health. This may be a trigger for people here, viewers, MPs and their staff who have had similar experiences. If you're feeling upset or need help, please don't hesitate to let the clerk know.
Before we welcome our witnesses, I would like to provide this trigger warning. We may be discussing experiences related to general health and mental health. This may be triggering to viewers, members or staff with similar experiences. If you feel distressed or need help, please advise the clerk.
This afternoon, we are pleased to welcome—
MP Hoback, who replaces Mrs. Wagantall.
MP Hanley, on Zoom, replaces Mr. Miao.
we have with us this afternoon as an individual, Nina Charlene Usherwood, by video conference, and Vivienne Stewart, RCMP Veteran Women's Council, also by video conference.
We will start with you, Ms. Charlene Usherwood, for five minutes. Please go ahead.