The incident that happened while I was on duty, right before my basic training happened, was reported by someone other than me, and I was told what the timeline would be for how things would roll out and that I would be expected to testify at a certain thing and that this person's unit in Cape Breton would probably facilitate that to a certain degree.
That was the last I heard about it. I wasn't given a follow-up about that. The last I heard about this was when I was telling the story to someone in my unit. I named the person, and they said, “Oh, yeah, he's still in Cape Breton at his home unit.” I don't imagine anything has happened there.
There have been other reports that I've been somewhat a part of. On the ones that have anything to do with sexual violence or discrimination, I can't think of one that I've been a part of or that I've heard about that has seen what would be my idea of justice.