Thank you for your question.
I don't know that it's going to be a simple solution by any means. I don't think that adding more women to senior positions.... I'm sure it's a good start, but it's kind of like that analogy of a different captain at the same ship. It's just a numeric representation rather than something more substantial.
One thing that I think does need to be targeted early on is the training system and the way we articulate to soldiers that they are good people just by virtue of being in the military. Almost any grievance that happens outside of that is still lessened because of the fact that they're a good man in the military. I think that is why sexual violence is sometimes so reduced. It's an organization with more important things on its mind, to be frank—national security and Canadian sovereignty, etc.
We train soldiers to believe that we're preparing them to potentially die for their country, so anything outside of that is almost secondary. That's what you're being trained to do.
I think a reconfiguration of what we say we want in a good soldier is a start. That's not just outside the merits of courage and bravery and all of this, but it's being a good, ethical and just person in the civilian realm as well as the soldier realm.