I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 74 of the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs.
For the first hour, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted on Monday, October 3, 2022, the committee will resume its study on the experience of women veterans.
For the first hour we have two witnesses, but we are trying to get in touch with Ms. Hayward because the sound check was not going so well. We will pursue that.
For the second hour the committee will proceed to the consideration of matters related to committee business.
Today's meeting is being held in hybrid format, in accordance with the standing order. Members my participate in person or via Zoom.
As to interpretation, those participating via Zoom may choose the French audio, the English audio or the floor audio.
Although this room has a high-quality audio system, there can be feedback that can injure the interpreters. So we ask you not to place the earpiece close the microphone to prevent such feedback and ensure that we can continue the meeting and avoid causing problems for our interpreters.
In accordance with the routine motion, the connection tests have been done or we will continue doing them.
I would like to provide a trigger warning because we will be talking about veterans' experiences.
Before we welcome our witnesses, we will be talking about experiences related to mental health. This may be triggering to the people here, to viewers, committee members and their staff who have had similar experiences. If you feel distressed or need help, please advise the clerk promptly.
Before we welcome our witnesses, I would like to provide this trigger warning. We may be discussing experiences related to general health and mental health. This may be triggering to viewers, members or staff with similar experiences. If you feel distressed or need help, please advise the clerk.
I would now like to welcome our witnesses.
We have with us Ms. Caleigh Wong, who is here as an individual. We also have, via video conference, Stephanie Hayward, who is a veteran.
You will have around five minutes for your opening statement. After that, members of the committee will ask you some questions.
If you don't mind, I am going to start with you, Ms. Wong. You are here, and you have five minutes for your opening statement. Please go ahead.