Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I have two quick observations to make, and they are very personal.
First, I hear that there are connections, communications between Veterans Affairs Canada and the Canadian Armed Forces. However, that isn't the testimony we're hearing here. There's a bit of a disconnect when you leave the military and become a veteran. I need to be convinced that the situation will change in the future.
Second, I'll come back to the figures on the number of sexual assault cases. I asked some questions earlier without getting an answer, and I understand that I can't get any answers on that.
Statistics Canada shows that there's been a significant increase in the number of sexual assaults, and I think it would be extremely important for all stakeholders to be able to look at this issue to see whether that's really the case. I don't doubt the validity of the figures, but this progression could simply reflect the fact that more women agree to say that they have been victims of sexual assault, without increasing the number of sexual assaults.
We always have to be careful with the words we use. It would involve fine‑tuning and working on that aspect. You have to understand that this has a direct impact on you, because if there is indeed an increase in the number of sexual assaults, you will have to find more organizations and provide more services.
Having said that, Dr. Courchesne, I have a question for you. A doctoral researcher testified here a few weeks ago. She told us that the women in the army had such inadequate equipment that, in some cases, they had to go through surgery in order to continue to serve in the army. She gave us the example of women who had had their breasts removed because their equipment was not adapted and they repeatedly injured their breasts. Have you ever heard of this kind of situation?