Thank you, Ms. Blaney.
Ladies and gentlemen, it was a pleasure to welcome you this afternoon as part of our study on the experience of women veterans. I'd like to thank you on behalf of the committee members and myself.
From the Department of National Defence, we had with us Linda Rizzo Michelin, chief operating officer of the sexual misconduct support centre, Shoba Ranganathan, director of programs and services with the sexual misconduct support centre, and Colonel Peter Rowe, director of casualty support management.
From the Department of Veterans Affairs, we had, by videoconference, Amy Meunier, assistant deputy minister with the commemoration and public affairs branch, Pamela Harrison, senior director of engagement and events, and Dr. Cyd Courchesne, chief medical officer.
Again, thank you for your participation.
I'd also like to thank our clerk, our analyst and our technicians, as well as our interpreters, even though we can't see them.
Is it the pleasure of the committee to adjourn?