Thank you very much.
We welcomed four assistant deputy ministers during this second hour, including, by videoconference: Mr. Steven Harris, assistant deputy minister, service delivery branch; also by videoconference, Ms. Amy Meunier, assistant deputy minister, commemoration and public affairs branch; Ms. Sara Lantz, assistant deputy minister, chief financial officer and corporate services; and Mr. Pierre Tessier, assistant deputy minister, strategic policy, planning and performance branch.
On behalf of the members of the committee and on my own behalf as well, thank you for participating in this meeting.
I don't know if you noticed that the clerk this afternoon was Ms. Carine Grand-Jean, and that she accompanied us perfectly during the meeting. I'd like to thank her for that. I also thank the interpreters, who were with us on site, as well as the technicians.
Members of the committee, my plan personally is to come back next year.
I don't know, Mr. Richards....