Through the chair, I appreciate your candour. It's really important, because you can't really tell a check box on a form that you're broken, and conversely, a check box on a form can't see that you're broken. That's one of the biggest problems I really see with this.
I wonder if we might actually see a greater efficiency, because when you talk about triage, not everybody needs the immediate service as you, as the ombud, have stated. There are people who have benefit packages, who've already gotten a second job. That person might be able to wait for their service, but what about the person who is struggling with PTSD, who might have other things going on in their life, sometimes exacerbated by their experience in the Canadian Armed Forces? They need help right now, so you get them their help right now.
I will just leave you with that. Thank you for your work, and thank you for your candour today.