I don't know why we're getting so many people coming forward. I don't know if it's confusion or what it is, but from what I'm experiencing here in the committee, it doesn't seem to be improving at all. I don't know if you want to look at, as I said, the 2018 report.
Are there metrics that we have on some of the suggestions there? You came back with your government response and said you would monitor some of these issues. It doesn't seem like there are a whole lot of numbers for a lot of the questions that we often ask here, like how many veterans are...? For any of the questions we have, it doesn't seem like we get numbers very often. I just don't know why that is.
Why don't we get numbers when we're looking at all these reports all the time? It says, “We're going to work on it. We're going to try. We have a new committee going out.” Whatever you're looking at trying to solve, there should be numbers that show we are moving ahead and we are becoming more successful. I don't seen those.