Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Obviously, I'm against the amendment moved by the Liberals. It takes away from the essence of the motion. We're looking for information to confirm or explain what happened in this sad situation involving the National Monument to Canada's Mission in Afghanistan. The Prime Minister's Office refused to award the contract to the Daoust team, which was the winning team chosen by the jury. I must reiterate that the jury was made up of professional and competent people. The Prime Minister's Office can't act as a jury or art expert.
I'm opposed to the removal of these documents. However, I'm obviously eager to wrap this up. The Conservative motion was moved on December 20, 2023. In a democracy, it makes sense for the Liberals to do this. I understand that. At other times, the Conservatives will do the same. However, the Bloc Québécois rarely acts this way. I don't know why.
In my opinion, the Liberals are holding the veterans hostage in two ways. First, they're making the veterans bear the burden of responsibility for changing the winning firm. The Liberals are relying on a survey that has been repeatedly described as lacking in credibility. The Liberals are all bright enough to know this.
The Liberals are holding the veterans hostage by blaming them for wanting this monument and saying that the government must go ahead with it. It's undemocratic. The government set up criteria and didn't stick to them.
The second way of holding the veterans hostage is quite funny. The Liberals say that they can't wait for us to move on so that we can hear from the veterans. However, by filibustering, they're holding the veterans hostage. I can't wait for the motion to get passed so that we can move on and hear from the veterans.
If the Liberals want to play this game, we'll play it. However, this doesn't amount to listening to the veterans. The veterans should be at the next meeting, and this motion should have been passed a long time ago.
Mr. Chair, thank you for your attention.