Thank you, Chair.
I'm completely opposed to this motion. We just had the minister here for more than an hour. She's completely generous with her time. We've had her here three times in the last few months. Whether it was for an hour or two hours, she's been here and she's answered all of our questions. She's taken her time. Over the last couple of months I've been on this committee, I've watched her take more time than she's required to. She really gives all of her effort to the veterans she meets. She goes above and beyond.
I heard her answer everybody's questions today. I don't think anybody had further questions that they could have kept her here for. I think it was disrespectful to bring this motion.
I heard the Conservatives talk over her while she was here. I hear them talk over the chair. I'm concerned that the party opposite is being disrespectful not only to the elected members of this committee, but to the institutions we're supposed to uphold here. If we have a problem with democracy right now, it's because of stuff like this. It's the Conservatives constantly attacking all of the institutions that make up our democracy.
It's a real shame that our committee time is being wasted with partisan, personal attacks like these. It's shameful. I don't think any of the veterans in this room would support this motion.