I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 94 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Veteran Affairs.
Today, the committee is looking at the main estimates 2024‑25 and the subject matter of the supplementary estimates (C) 2023‑24.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format.
We're pleased to welcome the Honourable Mona Fortier, who is joining us by video conference. Pierre Paul‑Hus will also be attending the meeting.
We have new guidelines for the acoustics in the room. As you will have noticed, the microphones are now farther apart. This isn't because of COVID. It's simply to avoid any interference. You can also see that the earpieces have been placed in a specific position next to you. Avoid bringing the earpiece close to the microphone. This causes disruptions or interference, which can seriously harm the interpreters. Hence the need for special measures. When you have the floor, take extreme care to keep your earpiece away from the microphone. When you aren't speaking, please turn off your microphone and place your earpiece on the table. On behalf of the interpreters, thank you for your co‑operation.
Lastly, I would like to remind you that all comments should be addressed to the chair.
I would now like to welcome the Minister of Veteran Affairs and officials from the Department of Veterans Affairs.
For the first hour, we have with us the Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, member of Parliament and Minister of Veterans Affairs. From the Department of Veterans Affairs, we have Paul Ledwell, deputy minister; and Steven Harris, senior assistant deputy minister, service delivery branch.
Minister, you have five minutes to give your opening remarks. The committee members will then be happy to ask you questions through the chair. You now have the floor.