Before bidding them farewell, I want to thank the witnesses for appearing before the committee.
For the second hour we had with us from the Department of Veterans Affairs, Paul Ledwell, deputy minister; Steven Harris, senior assistant deputy minister, service delivery branch; Sara Lantz, assistant deputy minister, chief financial officer and corporate services; Amy Meunier, assistant deputy minister, commemoration and public affairs branch by video conference, and Pierre Tessier, assistant deputy minister, strategic policy planning and performance branch.
I will remind the department that the committee has asked the minister for documents to be provided. I would ask the department to send those documents to the clerk of the committee.
If committee members have no objection to our considering Mr. Richards' motion for the documents when we return from the constituency week, I will instruct the clerk to send out the notice after the constituency week.
If it is now the will of the committee to adjourn, I will thank the technical team, the interpreters, the analysts and the clerks.
The meeting is adjourned.