Mr. Speaker, the following poem was read by Corporal Stewart Lowe on New Years Day in my riding. It was written by his friend, Corporal Ron Hefferman, in honour of their chums who were killed in the former Yugoslavia.
Today it seems appropriate to share it with all members of this House:
Remember me
We bid farewell to family and friends
In hopes that someday we can live as brothers.
I pray for the day that wars will end
And my fate will be spared to others,
It was the war to end all wars,
That was what they said,
But after seventy six long years,
Canada still counts her dead.
I was a true Canadian, I wish you could see,
All I ask is-Remember Me.
In war I fought and died, I thought that it would cease;
Now under the blue beret I die for world peace like
Michael, Ralph, John Zerpapolski
Plus the thousands of soldiers before
On November 11 I died for Peace not war.
I was a true Canadian, I wish you could see-All I ask
Remember Me.