Mr. Speaker, I am sure that the hon. member who just spoke has voiced his sincere opinion. However, Mr. Speaker, I must say that I have heard these kinds of remarks in the past and they were no doubt made by very sincere people. I am not questioning the sincerity of previous governments. Unfortunately, the only concrete action that flowed from such remarks were reviews, expensive and time-consuming reviews which did not produce the expected results.
I remain a little sceptical, although I am quite prepared to keep hoping. The point I am making is we, the Official Opposition, will check daily to make sure that the good intentions which have been and will be expressed here today and in the
coming weeks will quickly bring about the results the people need. The hon. member is right; creating hundreds of thousands of jobs is important, but how will this be achieved? We do not have the revenues we had 10 years ago.
The reality is-as I am convinced all the hon. members are aware- that when technology is introduced in a business, it does not create more jobs; jobs are taken away, replaced by technology. To compensate, we have to provide the workers who are affected by this technology with high tech training. This is to say that the approach used 10 years ago cannot be applied in the same way. We will have to find much more creative solutions and, above all, find them very quickly. We cannot afford to wait two, three or four years.