Madam Speaker, I would now like to present to this House the weekly business statement.
This afternoon the House will continue its consideration of Bill C-54 respecting the Canada Pension Plan and the Old Age Security Act. If this is completed the House will revert to consideration of the departmental reorganization bills: C-46, industry; C-52, government services; and C-53, Canadian heritage. We will follow that with report stage and third reading of Bill C-36 regarding the Split Lake agreement.
Tomorrow the House will begin second reading of Bill C-55 regarding Yukon surface rights. If this is completed the House will return to the same back-up list I have set for today.
On Monday next the House will resume the debate on social security reform.
Also, I am hereby allotting Tuesday as an opposition day.
On Wednesday the House will resume its consideration of those uncompleted items I have already mentioned.
This completes my statement, Madam Speaker.