It will cost you but I probably will.
To conclude on this point because it is important for me as a parliamentarian, there are going to be vociferous, strenuous debates in this House. I participated in some of them. Whether colleagues on this side or colleagues on the opposite side, in order to know where they are coming from we have to know if they are Matildas or not. We have to know if they scream fire all the time even when there is no fire. We have to know whether they flag something when it really needs to be flagged.
I say to those people in the Bloc and in the Reform Party as well as in my own party that when the day arrives when they spot something genuinely wrong with the legislation I want to be the first to know. I hope they will count me as enough of a friend to tell me so I can be on the side of right.
Sometimes we engage in partisan rhetoric but there comes a time when you cannot stand with your party because something is genuinely at odds with what you believe. To have that kind of rapport with parliamentarians we have to know that they are not a bunch of Matildas, they are not a bunch of Chicken Littles,
they are not a bunch of people who scream when there is absolutely no need for screaming.
I have much pleasure in supporting the bill and invite hon. members of the House to do likewise.