We are talking about wage earners and travelling salesmen. The bottom line is as the member for Kootenay East said, if you have a small business it might only employ 10 to 20 people. You are talking about a priority call of $180,000 just on 20 people. A first charge of $180,000 on a business is a heck of a lot of money.
Everyone knows I am a believer in equity participation. I used to work at Magna International. I believe one of the reasons that company has grown from seven employees to 20,000 is because every employee has shares in the company. They have a piece of the equity. That is the reason they make better products at more competitive prices. But that of course is not what we are debating here today.
I would ask all members that we defeat this bill and that we wait until the final results of the study come from Industry Canada on all the current activity in the bankruptcy area as a result of the last bill.