Mr. Speaker, I listened with considerable interest to the dissertation of my colleague from Edmonton East. It was interesting in so far as it gave us a somewhat biased appraisal of the accomplishments of the Liberal Party, probably since the beginning of time, but we will suggest it was perhaps from the beginning of this Parliament. However it had absolutely nothing to do with the premise being debated today.
What is the government doing? When is it going to balance the budget? That is the essence of the question. When will the Liberal government get at it? The Liberal government was in opposition for nine years. It has been in government now for one year. Certainly it is important to get at solving the real problems. The time to do it is at hand.
I have a question for the member. One suggestion that has been brought forward in the House on numerous occasions to make our tax system fairer, more equitable and far more responsive to the needs of Canadian business and individuals is the notion of a flat tax.
Would the member opposite give the House the benefit of her impression of the values or the negative aspects of a flat tax and what it would do to help move the government along to where it should be going?