Mr. Speaker, on this important date, Canadians have a right to ask: Is today
the first anniversary of the Liberal government or is it really the tenth anniversary of the Mulroney Conservative government?
Why? The Tory Prime Minister put his friends in the Senate. The Liberal Prime Minister is putting his friends in the Senate. The Tories ran an annual deficit of $40 billion a year. The Liberals, the same deal. The wealthy friends of the Conservatives received tax breaks through family trusts. The wealthy friends of the Liberals receive the same deal. Tens of thousands of profitable corporations paid no profit tax but found lots of cash to give to the Tory Party and to the Liberal Party.
Under the Tories, prescription drug prices have risen 12 per cent. Under Liberals they have risen 12 per cent. The Tories cut UI benefits. The Liberals have cut deeper the UI benefits. Liberals, Tories, same old stories. Mr. Speaker, can you see the difference? I cannot.