Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of one of Canada's most important youth organizations, Canada's 4-H. The history and results of the 4-H are well known to all Canadians.
Today with the future of rural Canada uncertain, the recognition of an organization dedicated to providing a quality life experience for rural youth has never been more necessary. However federal funding of 4-H remains uncertain.
Media reports that the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food will trim its budget perhaps by as much as 40 per cent. The department's reluctance to commit itself to funding beyond the end of the current fiscal year is troubling 4-H participants across Canada.
I stand today 100 per cent behind Canada's 4-H program and its support for rural youth. In recognition of the value of these young people to the future of Canada I encourage the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and the federal government to express their immediate and ongoing commitment to the 4-H program and its supporters across Canada.