Mr. Speaker, I wish to present the weekly business statement. When you call Orders of the Day, we will commence the second reading debate on Bill C-57 regarding the World Trade Organization.
Tomorrow we will start with Bill C-36 regarding the Split Lake agreement. This will be followed by resumption of debate on Bill C-53 regarding the Canadian heritage department reorganization, and Bill C-54 respecting technical changes in the Canada pension plan and old age security legislation.
On Monday we will commence second reading of Bill C-56, amendments to the environmental assessment legislation. We would then return to uncompleted debates such as those on Bills C-53, C-54, C-36, or Bill C-55, the Yukon surface rights bill.
On Tuesday we shall return if necessary to Bill C-57, followed by resumption of other unfinished debates.
On Wednesday we shall begin with Bill C-50, the Canadian Wheat Board amendments after which we would again return to unfinished debates.
We will assess progress on legislation early next week before announcing business for Thursday and Friday. However members opposite may want to know now that I may well designate next Thursday as an opposition day, but this will be subject obviously to confirmation.